Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spitzmeilen: Timelapse movie

Here is a time lapse with footage from a two day skitour around Spitzmeilen, Switzerland. Most are HDR time lapses. To deflicker I used GBDeflicker, which can be tried out here:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pans and Zooms with Adobe Premiere (Elements)

People (like me) whose photo equipement is already heavy enough, do not want to carry a Meade mount or something similar in remote places. Still, pans look great in time lapse sequences.
To some amount, these pans and even zooms can be done in post production, what I will explain here with Adobe Premiere Elements.
To save some memory on the memory card, I usually shoot in sRaw1, with 7.5MegaPixels (3272x2178). The final movie should be HD (1080p, that means 1920 x 1080 pixels), what leaves lots of space for pans and zooms, as illustrated below:

The window denotes the HD window, which can be moved to create the panning effect. The keyframes in Premiere are great to do that.
To use them, I import the images as "image sequence" in Premiere. I drag the sequence into the scene window, then click on the "Effects" tab and on "edit effects":

Then open the "Movement" menu and click on the "show keyframes" symbol:

Then click on the little watch ("show/hide animations"). Drag and zoom the image in the movie window to where you want to start your virtual pan and zoom. You will note that little diamonds are added in the effects timeline. These are the keyframes:

Then move the red line in the effects timeline to the right end. Drag and zoom the image where you want to end it up. This defines the pan and zoom between the two keyframes.

I used this technique in most of my recent time lapses, e.g. in the middle sequences (around 1:00) of this one:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ski tour on the weekend

No time lapse post, just a few images from the ski tour some friends and me made on the weekend.
On top of the mountain (Wissmeilen), drying the climbing skins:

A stitched panorama (with autopano pro), from the same mountain:

And from a time lapse sequence, I hope I will process soon, during the night from Friday to Saturday. We slept in the SAC (Swiss Alpine Club) cottage Spitzmeilen. I left the camera out for about 4 hours (2 changes of battery), 1 minute exposure time.